Awesome! Pesach (Passover)is upon us. i have many fond memories of writhing in discomfort on the side of a road after gourging myself at passover seder. my wife standing over me gently proding me with a toe to see if i was still alive or if she should carry on walking home. good times! so i present here a recipe for a sefardic classic Huevos Haminados - tea eggs!! traditionaly prepared as part of the passover seders ritual meal in the homes of Jews deriving from Spain before it turned pear shaped.
tea. eggs. passover. matzah! im excited already
list of cooking stuff
1. eggs however many you like
2. onion peels
3. salt
4. oil
5. water
6. black tea
put the salt, eggs, glug of oil, onion peels and tea into a casserole dish with water. make sure there is sufficient water in it to cover the eggs. put into an oven and leave overnight on a low temperature.
the tea will colour the eggs through the shell, you can even lightly crack the shells when they are mostly cooked to make some patterning. the eggs themselves will have a rich and creamy texture.
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